"Why is life worth living? It's a very good question. Um... Well, There are certain things I guess that make it worthwhile. uh... Like what... okay... um... For me, uh... ooh... I would say... what, Groucho Marx, to name one thing... uh... um... and Wilie Mays... and um... the 2nd movement of the Jupiter Symphony... and um... Louis Armstrong, recording of Potato Head Blues... um... Swedish movies, naturally... Sentimental Education by Flaubert... uh... Marlon Brando, Frank Sinatra... um... those incredible Apples and Pears by Cezanne... uh... the crabs at Sam Wo's... uh... Tracy's face..."
Woody Allen, als Isaac Davis, in Manhattan.
Eén van die redenen, helemaal uit 1927: Louis Armstrong, Potato Head Blues (muziekje).
Het prentje: Armstrong, enigszins bedremmeld kijkend, gezeten naast de in alle opzichten indrukwekkende Ella Fitzgerald. Wie zou niet enigszins bedremmeld kijken, gezeten naast de in alle opzichten indrukwekkende Ella Fitzgerald.
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