"Dancing is unique among the art forms in that it leaves no trace; it is done for its own pleasure; it is sublimely useless and non-egotistical. You cannot sign and sell it. Coleridge said that the three first art forms were architecture, cooking and clothes. But I think it more likely that dancing was the first. After all, you can dance naked and live in a cave, and when fruit weighed down the branches around you, there would not have been much need for cooking."
Tom Hodgkinson, How To Be Idle, 2004.
Het prentje: Martha and the Vandellas. Hier de mensheid verblijdend met het eeuwig tot vrolijk voetgeschuifel en dito heupgewieg uitnodigende Dancing in the Streets (filmpje).
Wat dan weer niet zoveel mensen weten, maar onze lezers zo meteen wel, is dat Martha Reeves -dé Martha van de Vandellas- sinds 2005 gemeenteraadslid is in Detroit. En dat zal Detroit geweten hebben: "One of her ideas to boost Detroit's economy was a series of downtown statues of such Motown figures as Stevie Wonder and Smokey Robinson". Sindsdien niets meer gehoord van enige kloof met de burger in Detroit.
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