"Many writers on heaven, from Philo of Alexandria onwards, are inclined to stress the intellectual delights of heaven. Philo seems to think that all the saved will be able to indulge in philosophy seminars, making heaven a kind of Oxford graduate college, like All Souls. My own favourite is the image of some medieval rabbis, who saw heaven as a vast, quiet, peaceful library, where books jumped down from the shelves when you nodded to them, and soft-footed librarians dispersed cooling mint drinks."
Paul Johnson, in een bespreking van John Casey, After Lives: A Guide to Heaven, Hell and Purgatory, Oxford U.P., 2010, in Literary Review, april 2010.
Het prentje: nieuwkomers in de hemel vergeten wel eens de bibliotheekregels in acht te nemen. Zo wordt er bijvoorbeeld niet op de tafels gedanst. Daar zijn ze streng op. Na twee berispingen: vagevuur.
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