Neen, we gaan de gevoelige onderwerpen niet uit de weg: vandaag een uiterst heikel thema, honden en islam. Azadeh Moaveni probeerde in Teheran een hond te houden. Maar dat was buiten de Iraniërs gerekend, die daar de grens trokken:
Over the past fifty years, most Iranians had managed to shake off many of the conservative beliefs that had been ingrained in them for generations: the belief that music was haram (Islamically forbidden), that alcohol was “Satan’s piss,” that a woman who didn’t cover her hair lacked virtue. Dogs, however, resisted this cultural normalization. Perhaps Iranians’ native moral flexibility, their inexorable march toward the modern world and its moderate norms, made accepting these other former sins inevitable. But dogs weren’t as essential to the pleasures of daily life as music or booze or sex, and they remained taboo, even in an Iran where mullah princes raced Lamborghinis down Vali Asr Boulevard and sons and daughters of devout merchants flirted on Facebook.Meer hier. Mohammed was meer een cat person merkt de auteur op. Dat heeft het voor de lokale Blackies en Fikkies verpest. Jammer. Ze weten niet wat ze missen, daar in Iran en omstreken. Wij wel.
(Het prentje: via Simms54)
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