Als Guiseppe Zangara (prentje), de man die een aanslag pleegde op Franklin Delano Roosevelt, twee koppen groter was geweest had de geschiedenis er anders uit gezien:
"On February 15, 1933, Roosevelt was giving an impromptu speech from the back of an open car in the Bayfront Park area of Miami, Florida. Zangara joined the crowd, armed with a .32-caliber pistol he had bought at a local pawn shop. However, being only five feet tall, he was unable to see over other people, and had to stand on a wobbly folding metal chair, peering over the hat of Lillian Cross to get a clear aim at his target. After the first shot, Cross and others grabbed his arm, and he fired four more shots wildly. He missed the president-elect, but five other people were hit, including Chicago mayor Anton Cermak, who was standing on the running board of the car next to Roosevelt."
2 opmerkingen:
Waar een hoed dan weer voor goed is.
Inderdaad, Lilian. Mensen zijn zich daar veel te weinig van bewust.
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